"Sammy Squirrel & Rodney Raccoon - To The Rescue" is the second Stanley Park story written as a starter chapter novel for young readers ages 7 -12. Sammy Squirrel and Rodney Raccoon are worried about their friend Judy Crow, who has gone missing from the park. The two book-loving friends bravely embark on an adventurous trek to rescue their crow-napped friend, which ends up taking them to a large city, Vancouver. Short, action-packed, descriptively rich chapters punctuated by charming, detailed black and white illustrations keep reader interest high and make "Sammy Squirrel & Rodney Raccoon - To The Rescue" an ideal beginning chapter book read, especially for adventurous nature lovers. In Vancouver, Sammy and Rodney face many challenges and find unexpected help from new friends, Mortimer Mole and Fernando Fox. After many twists and turns, the friends rescue Judy Crow, and all ends well back at Stanley Park. There are many delicious little touches of humourous detail, such as the two friends chatty coffee at the Argyle Cafe, where they order hazelnut coffee and polite clam chowder. "Sammy Squirrel & Rodney Raccoon - To The Rescue" is a delightful, appealing book filled with real, quirky characters and solid friendship values, which can be read aloud to children quite successfully.
Midwest Book Review, Oregon, WI, USA