"Sammy Squirrel & Rodney Raccoon - To The Rescue" was launched at the historic Sylvia Hotel in Vancouver on June 27. In this sequel to the first book, Sammy and Rodney set out to find their friend Judy Crow who has mysteriously disappeared from Stanley Park. They end up at the Animal Inn, a hidden underground hotel for critters located beneath the Sylvia Hotel. The two park dwellers' courage and determination are sharply tested as the search for Judy becomes more challenging than they ever could have imagined. If you like children's books, you'll love this new story.
To view a video clip of the book launch by Shaw TV's "The Express" go to: www.youtube.com/user/TheExpressVan#p/u/1/1JDivuIfZ8A Once you're there, fast forward to 3 minutes and 44 seconds.
The first story "Sammy Squirrel & Rodney Raccoon - a Stanley Park Tale" is always available in bookstores and online.
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